Category: Uncategorized

The Land of Green and Blue There is a well known logic probably which beautifully introduces the difference between fact and knowledge. This is the problem of the green-eyed islanders. Imagine that there exists an island on which everyone...

A Marathon Task

Some of you may be aware that Sue is trying to get me fit. This is a trickier job than even she intended. What some of you may not be aware of is that,...

Do as I say, not as I do

Once, when I was waiting at a station for a train, I witnessed some quite ridiculous behaviour. A young man, dressed in a suit and giving every impression of importance, rushed up to the...

10 links that made me happy today

Hooked on a feeling (acapella): Community table read: Hey Ya: 60s soul: PMJ Sara Nimemietz Mischief theatre watch along at homeThe pilot (not the pilot) More acapellas: The Flash themesong: We will rock...

The Big Comeback

When I was younger I was ill. Not a mild cold, or measles or even man flu. A bottle of Lucozade was not going to sort this. It was the kind of ill where...

Just a drill

Once upon a time, making something was the realm of a craftsman. If you wanted to put together a wardrobe you had to join a guild, spend years in an apprenticeship, and only once...

We’re All Hipsters Now

We now wake up to birds shrieking daily. I often find myself distracted in meetings by the background call of ‘Goose, no.’ To be fair, he doesn’t actually catch them. Just causes them great...

A Holiday Poem

The weekend is a holidayA time to lay down work and playA time to frolic in the sun.As birdies chirp and beezies hum I wonder if we’ll finally chooseWhat all the family wants to...