Category: Uncategorised

Goodbye old year, hello new

It’s been a funny old 2016. Everyone died, two countries took a popular decision that turned out to be deeply unpopular, and Honey G was on the X Factor. It’s enough to make one...

Under the Weather

The worst time, the worst time in the world to get sick, is when you’ve just come back from a long weekend. You can’t take the time off. No one will believe you’re not...

Are You With Me?

It’s always tricky, appealing to the masses, particularly when you’re relying on them to prove your opponent wrong. That’s what David Cameron found, when he turned to the British public to silence those annoying...

The No Fly Pants

It seems we still can’t make our minds up about how much, or how little, we want women to wear. While Muslim woman in France are being told to take clothes off if they...

Give them a medal

p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; } We’ve done remarkably well in the Olympics. Great Britain are second in the medals table. We haven’t got this many medals since 1908, the first time we...

London Olympics 1908

So the Olympics is over for another four years, and Britain has done incredibly well. The best its done, in fact, since 1908 when the Olympics first came to London. Of course, it was...

The Burkini Incident

Last week, the mayor of Cannes decided it should be illegal to wear a burkini on the beach. Naturally, this was not the narrow-minded decision of a bigot, intent on preventing Muslim women from...

How to be Happy

Life comes with many big questions. What’s so hard about making the trains run on time? Am I too old to start playing Pokemon Go? What exactly is a Bieber? The biggest question of...

Thunder Road

In 31 Songs, Nick Hornby writes about the songs that influenced his life, and he kicks off with a controversial choice: Thunder Road by Bruce Springsteen. I’ve talked before about the things you haven’t...