Author: richardmapes

Just a drill

Once upon a time, making something was the realm of a craftsman. If you wanted to put together a wardrobe you had to join a guild, spend years in an apprenticeship, and only once...

Hanging around

Phase 2 began today. I’ve been rather enjoying my garage of late. Every time I go in there, I’m surprised at how spacious it is, how well organized. You could eat your dinner in...

We’re All Hipsters Now

We now wake up to birds shrieking daily. I often find myself distracted in meetings by the background call of ‘Goose, no.’ To be fair, he doesn’t actually catch them. Just causes them great...

Drip, drip, drop

One annoying aspect of the laying down of a new lawn is the tyranny of the sprinkler. Nowadays, movies have made us accustomed to the America style sprinkler that sits flush to the lawn...

Giving Goose the Bird

We assumed the bird would be gone in the morning. The previous night we had watched it hopping around in the artificial rain, drinking from the puddles and generally acting as if hadn’t hung...

A Cat Called Goose

So, Goose seems to have taken the scarecrow as a challenge. We were sat, enjoying the tweeting of the birds when I noticed that it was all getting rather vocal. The gentle birdsong had...

The Scarecrow

Ever since I put new lawn seed down, pigeons have started treated the garden as an all-day breakfast buffet. Goose is useless. Cats are supposed to scare birds away, but he’ll walk past the...

A Holiday Poem

The weekend is a holidayA time to lay down work and playA time to frolic in the sun.As birdies chirp and beezies hum I wonder if we’ll finally chooseWhat all the family wants to...

A space of my own

I decided it was time to clear out the garage today. It’s become increasingly hard to remember if it actually has a back, or simply an endless forest of broken garden equipment and old...