When I grow up (I will be happy)

When I grow up I will have a pony

and it will let me ride on it and play games with it

and it will wear armour

When I grow up I will be friends with everyone

We will play games all the time and if I lose I will not get angry

I will be happy if my friends win and we will celebrate with a balloons and ice cream

When I grow up I will never get angry

When I grow up I will never cry

When I grow up I will live in a palace, with tv in every room

and a place to go swimming, and a room to keep all of my toys safe

My pony will live in the garden

Ponies do not live inside palaces

That would be silly

When I grow up no one will touch me

I will have body guards, and a secret room that no one knows about

And in my room I can be quiet and sit by myself

And Bobo will be there and he will be whole again

When I grow up I will be a soldier or a policeman

I will help people who cannot help themselves

I will do a good deed everyday and if I find someone who is hurt or injured I will take them somewhere warm and safe and give them lollipops until they feel better

When I find a bad man I will throw them in prison

And they will rot in their own filth and decay and they will never hurt anyone ever again

When I grow up I will build a valley in the sunshine

And grow daffodils and dandelions and tulips and pansies

And no one will have to sit in the darkness just for being noisy

When I grow up I will be happy

When I grow up I will buy a gun 

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