Them and Us

The world is divided into two parts: them and us.
They are wrong. We are right.
They preach hate and division. We preach unity. Their view threatens to destroy our society. Our view will protect it.
We believe in what is right. We believe in what is good. They believe in things that are wrong and dangerous.
They cannot spot the creeping viper inside our nest, the insidious danger that has hidden itself inside our home, and must be forcibly ejected before we succumb to its poison.
We understand that the viper and its allies must be removed by any means possible. Even when it lies to us and tells us it is our friend.
They are foolish. They spout lies and hate, and barely understand the coherent arguments that we, the us, make.
We are clever. We quickly spot that their arguments are stupid, barely even comprehensible. We often publicly mock them, to make sure they understand how stupid they are.
Theirs is the rhetoric of division, of difference. They isolate themselves, and tell themselves that anyone who thinks differently is cursed by god, barely even human.
We understand that we are better than them. We reject their bigotry and intolerance, which is why we condemn them so utterly for having a different opinion.
We know that we are in the right. Our friends tell us so, every day, on twitter.
They must surely know they are in the wrong. The only one supporting them are idiots, echoing empty sentiments on twitter.
They think they are in the right. They think they know better. They are wrong. Of this I am sure.

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We know that we are in the right, because we are the good guys. Only they disagree with us. And their opinions are invalid because they are them and we are us.
The world is divided into two parts: can you honestly tell me you know which is which?

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