Monthly Archive: August 2016

Give them a medal

p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; } We’ve done remarkably well in the Olympics. Great Britain are second in the medals table. We haven’t got this many medals since 1908, the first time we...

London Olympics 1908

So the Olympics is over for another four years, and Britain has done incredibly well. The best its done, in fact, since 1908 when the Olympics first came to London. Of course, it was...

The Burkini Incident

Last week, the mayor of Cannes decided it should be illegal to wear a burkini on the beach. Naturally, this was not the narrow-minded decision of a bigot, intent on preventing Muslim women from...

How to be Happy

Life comes with many big questions. What’s so hard about making the trains run on time? Am I too old to start playing Pokemon Go? What exactly is a Bieber? The biggest question of...