Book Signing on Saturday 5th July

It’s been a while since I last posted. Life got in the way as they say. I haven’t, however, been idle. For a start, I’ve been hard at work on my novel – Three Men On Tour – which I’m hoping to complete later this year. In case you can’t tell from the working title, it’s loosely based on Three Men In a Boat, except the three men in my case are George, Harry and Ian (rather than George, Harris and J) and it’s got a touch of the Nick Hornby’s about it.

In other exciting news, my writing group – Writebulb – publishes a regular anthology of short stories in aid of the Farleigh hospice, and the latest edition – Magic, Mystery and Mayhem – will be out this Saturday. We’ll be holding a book signing at Chelmsford Library, where you can purchase copies or, if you just can’t wait, you can order online at

Hope to see you there

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